

 Lee-Mendoza, T. (2008). Social welfare and social work. Quezon City, Philippines: Central Book Supply.

 Marianne., Woodside (2006). Generalist case management : a method of human service delivery. McClam, Tricia. (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole

Theories of social casework. Towle, Charlotte., Roberts, Robert W.,, Nee, Robert H.,, University of Chicago. School of Social Service Administration. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1970

complete note of Casework (

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bswe-02-block1-unit-1-small-size.p65 (

 ✔ Social Welfare History Project Richmond, Mary (

 ✔ History of Social Work, details

Helen Harris Perlman | Jewish Women's Archive (

Florence Hollis: Memories and Remembrance | A history of the Smith College School of Social Work

✔ Social Welfare History Project Richmond, Mary (

✔ 5 Important People in the History of Social Work - Social Work Degree Guide


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