History of Social Casework

 Historical Evolution of Social Casework

✅Historical Development of Casework in West and India

        Right from the ancient times, individuals in every society were helped by others in solving their problems and issues. All of the teachings in religion involves encouraging everyone to help the poor and helpless people. Helping became professional in the late 19th and early 20th century. The actual beginning of social casework in west is impossible to identify but check some of the important landmarks that we will be presenting below.

1843, Early Beginnings

        In 1843, The Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor (A.I.C.P.) was first formed in America. This is where the problem of poverty was approached more individually than the previous times. Its aim were to visit the home of the poor, give counseling, to assist people in obtaining employment, to teach them self-respect and self-reliance, to infuse them with the habits of economy and to provide relief for their wants and needs if necessary.

        Did you know that in 1898 the first professional School of Social Work was established in New York School. This indicates that social work was recognized as a large body of knowledge and skills during its establishment. The need for better trained professionals in solving modern problems that cannot be handled in traditional ways grew after this.

1877s, Charity Organization Society

        In 1877, the United States of America established American Charity Organization Society. It aims to look for ways and means of helping those people who are in need and thus to organize individualized service which is great. What is interesting is that the society used to call the volunteers "FRIENDLY VISITORS" and not just simply 'volunteers'. These people were kindhearted volunteers who visits poor families and provides help by assessing, guiding and giving advices.

        What's amazing is that they do not expect monetary rewards by helping but they visit in act of charity. Which is admirable in many ways where they purely wanted to give assistance or support for the benefit of those who are in need.

      Later on, the term "FRIENDLY VISITORS" was changed into "PAID AGENTS". They developed systematic procedures in performing work. They now collect data about the individuals and families where because of the Schools of Social Work they received training and instructions about the different methods of investigating, diagnosing and providing treatments.

1914-1917, The first training program for casework

        Surprisingly, casework at this time was only limited to ill and sick persons where it is the priority. So casework was based more on medical model. So it wasn't for the poor and needy people but for the sick. The term "work with case" was actually used for the first time in the USA's national conference. The first professional training program particularly for the casework started in the form of summer training. Because of this, the need for more substantial training and Schools of Social Work came into existence. Right after these schools started regular training programs they were acknowledged as professionals in social casework.

        The founder of social casework Miss Richmond and Frances McLean offered specialized service to thousands of clients which helped the growth of this pioneer movements. "Social Diagnosis" was known to be the first book in casework that was published in 1917 by Miss Richmond. The two of them introduced the basic truth of individualization and self-determination. Miss Richmond discovered that diagnosis is a process consisting sequence of steps in order to guide the worker to make their definition of social situation and personality of client. You cannot make conclusions on your own, you need guidance to reach the truth.

Impact of First World War

        Many men and women came to understand the meaning of social casework for the first time prior to the First World War and on the impact of Second World War. Problems were everywhere at this time because of the war. It gave emphasis on the social factor in the environment and the pressure of the larger social economical under which people lived. Human behaviour was the primary basis of social casework. Psychiatry in this period became important and a large number of people became familiar with it. Especially after the impact of Second World War.

        Honestly, that would be scary and you need counseling and help to recover from the shock and horror of experiencing war. Which is the reason why medical and psychiatric social workers were in demand during this time.

During 1920s, Psychoanalytical Approach

        At this time caseworker adopted the new psychoanalytical approach to understand the client and their problems. These caseworkers have found that psychoanalytical theory and psychoanalytical concepts are very useful in casework. This psychoanalytical theory was given by Freud and known as Freudian psychology made strong influence on casework. Thus, it was the era of psychiatric development of social work. Focus of caseworker was on psychic forces within the individuals. Professionals also began to move into other fields like prisons, school, etc. Gradually several schools of thought developed with many points in common and number of differences. These schools were founded on the theory of Sigmund Freud and Otto Rank.

During 1930s, Economic Depression

        It was the period of sudden lifestyle changes leading to economic depression. Casework had to consider the economic factors that caused the client's distress. It was realized that economic hardship could lead to emotional disaster and collapse. The social and economic need of great differentiation refocused sociological and reality consideration for social work and compiled action on the part of federal government. At this time many work programs such as federal emergency relief act, the work progress administration, the public work administration and the civilian conservation corporation emerged. Caseworker was able to spend more time dealing with the interpersonal problems of the client.

During 1940s, Contribution to Well-Being

        Case workers were exposed for formulation of ego; psychology based on observation of human characteristics. During the war there was increase in personal problems on the part of clients due to financial crises. Emotional problems also increased. To meet these needs and to solve these problems family agencies were started. Some caseworkers later began to examine sociological concepts such as social roles, social systems, social classes, etc. This shifts the focus from the self to the social context. Caseworkers are now more aware of their own contribution to human well-being.

During 1950s, Private and Professional Agencies

        Private practice in social work started in this era. Professional agencies have started to grow in the field of case study. Now the caseworker started going to the community, and the issues of the society were indirectly addressed through the solution of individual problems. It was a period of resettlement, revaluation and up-grading for social workers.

During 1960s, Techniques and Principles

        Here, the most promising development has increased the focus on the importance of research. The past overemphasis on either the environment or the character has greatly contributed to awareness of the interdependence of these two factors. In this era, social action was more focused on bringing about change in society. The Casework method has adopted new techniques and principles.

Social Casework in India

        American casework had its influence in India, as the first professional social workers who did casework in the Indian setting were trained in American Schools of Social work. The content of casework was taught as the course. In 1936, Sir Dorabji Tata Graduate School of Social Work, now known as Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), began to train those who had a University degree in the field of social service. Thus, the training for the social work has been transformed into a full-time career oriented educational program. Casework as a theoretical course and as a method of practice in the academic program began in 1946.

 Development of Casework in Nepal

        The literature of every religion includes the names and activities of teachers and sages who have given themselves and their resources to help others. The Ancient Hindu Shastras and Nepal's Buddhist philosophy emphasize dhana or giving activity. There are different stories of Gautama buddha, who was born in Nepal, about his kindness and understanding of the individual that led to the transformation of a prostitute and a murderer. Help from Buddhism should be given to relatives and friends. Thus, one can see that casework, in its limited meaning of a helping activity existed from time immemorial. But casework as a professional activity is an event of the twentieth century, and in its development the emphasis of concern has been on individuals in distress who cannot help themselves. As a profession the development of casework was influenced by India. Initially, social casework was practiced in many agencies, institutions and organizations such as hospitals, clinics, industry, military organizations, family welfare agencies, child welfare agencies, institutions for the elderly, destitute, orphans, etc.


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